Flexibility in Ofqual Practical Assessments

Ofqual has relaxed Practical Assessment Criterion for Year 13/A2 Exams in 2021

November 17: For All Ofqual managed Examination boards, practical assessment exams have made flexible to meet the needs of pandemic affected UK and International K-12 Schools.

The updated information have been successfully communicated to Teachers network of Pearson Edexcel in their recent Webinars. 

Changes are applicable to years 13 students for Exams 2021 ONLY. 
Here are latest updates for EDEXCEL BIOLOGY B SPECIFICATIONS. 
• Students SHOULD be familiar with 16 Core Practical and 12 techniques to attempt Practical paper 3. 
• Teachers should select a vast spanning exam practice questions to train students for practical exams paper 3.
• Teachers should make students practice exam questions from OLD SPECS EVEN.
• Wherever possible, try to arrange a small group field trip to complete Ecology practical, otherwise use Online videos/demos.
• Teachers should use updated Mapping Grid on Edexcel website to assess the exam techniques learnt by the students. 
• Teachers should prepare students for practical techniques as mentioned in part 5c of  Specifications. 
• Students can practice minimum 8 Core Practical out of total 16 IN WORST SCENARIO OF PANDEMIC.
• Ofqual and Edexcel message: try to practice as much as possible for both Core Practical and Exam questions.

Still a lot more to come about Endorsement of Core Practicals for Biology B. 

Stay Tuned to Biology Online

Shaista Khanum 


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